Vegetarians in Paradise
Ask Aunt Nettie

We're delighted to share our Aunt Nettie with you. She's agreed to answer any questions you might ask about vegetarian food, its preparation, and even clean-up tips. But we have to prepare you. She just might want to come right over to your house and help you fix dinner.

To send any questions to Ask Aunt Nettie, .

Hi Aunt Nettie,

I really goofed up and need your advice. I was cooking a big pot of chili in my best stockpot and totally burned the bottom. The burned area is so big and so thick it's impossible to scrub it off. Now what do I do?

Your friend in desperation,

Howdy there Annette,

Now child, don't you fret! I'm gonna help y'all clean up that ole pot faster 'n' lightin'. Here's whatcha do:

Put 'bout a couple inches o' water in the pot. Then add 'bout 2 or 3 tablespoons liquid dishwasher detergent and boil that up 'bout 5 minutes. Let it sit there an' rest up fer 'bout 15 or 20 minutes. Then take a really old spoon-- one ya don't care 'bout much anymore-an' start scrapin' away. It oughter come up real easy. Then all's ya do is use some steel wool to clean up the tiny spots.

Now, if it don't work, start all over again an' boil it longer. An' don't git yerself in a snit. It's gonna work. Sometimes it takes a jes a tad longer.

Well, darlin', that oughter do it an' I'm mighty glad I could help. Acshully, I wish I was right there in yer kitchen. Why, I'd git that job done quicker 'n' boilin' 'taters!

Yer ever lovin' Aunt Nettie

If You Haven't Met Aunt Nettie. . .

Our Aunt Nettie has a head like a hard disk. It's filled with gigabytes of information about food and cooking. And she's just itchin' to share her learnin' with city folk who live in mortal fear of the stovetop.

Aunt Nettie grew up on the farm. She did not eat out of a can or reach into the freezer. There was no microwave to pop her food into. Everything she made was from scratch. All the food she ate was natural, without pesticides. It was grown right there on the family farm, and she had to cook to survive. At eighty-three years young she still leaps and bounds around the kitchen and can shake, rattle, and roll those pots and pans with the best of them.

Nowadays, Aunt Nettie just shakes her head and complains, "Nobody cooks anymore. They have no idea about puttin' a meal together." She's on a mission. She wants to help those younguns eat better so they can grow up healthy like her own eight kids.

Click here for past Ask Aunt Nettie Columns

Vegetarians in Paradise